Our aim is to educate and empower leaders across disciplines to drive positive change in their communities.
In 1990, our founder Rev. Peter Kasirivu started Africa Renewal through Gaba Community Church in response to the overwhelming needs he saw in his community. Pastor Peter found that many people in Gaba didn’t have access to basic necessities, including healthcare and education. Furthermore, they had never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Through his experience and first-hand knowledge of Gaba, he started a ministry that provided real solutions to the lost, vulnerable, hurting, and sick in his community.
Under Pastor Peter’s leadership, Africa Renewal has grown to seven affiliated ministries that impact more than 30 communities across Uganda. Together, through the combined efforts of the team and countless volunteers, donors, and sponsors, Africa Renewal has planted more than 650 churches, trained over 2,700 leaders, and sponsored 15,000-plus children.
Through Africa Renewal, people are finding hope. Children have access to education, medical care, leadership training and spiritual discipleship, and young adults are earning advanced degrees. Pastors are receiving theological training and are able to care for their church congregations and beyond. Families and communities as well as U.S. church partners and sponsors get to experience renewal first-hand.
With this vision of equipping leadership training and spiritual leadership to young leaders, Africa Renewal University (originally Gaba Bible Institute) was founded based on Africa’s great need for Christian leaders to rise up to share the compassion of Christ and the gospel of hope in a society that is desperately longing for transformation.
In January 2007, the school began with 35 students and a commitment to equip Christian leaders for the transformation of society. Today, there are over 800 students from 45 different tribes in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Sudan, Eritrea and Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Guinea Somalia, who are being equipped as leaders in ministry and community development.
His main focus in initiating Africa Renewal University was to make a difference in the world with the gospel being a foundation and motivation which calls for a unique way of providing higher education that focuses on professional knowledge with values that shape the student’s character and outlook thus preparing individuals who are grounded in scripture, relevant in their response to thee society needs with integrity of character besides just gaining professional skills in their cross-cutting disciplines.