Our aim is to educate and empower leaders across disciplines to drive positive change in their communities.
The Bachelor of Journalism and Multimedia Communication is a three year programme designed to equip students with not only outstanding theoretical and practical foundation in the fields of Print Media, Broadcasting, Multi-Media (Internet-based operations), Public Relations, Advertising, and Photojournalism but will also equip them to be agents of transformation – bringing the gospel and serving God’s agenda in the media sector.
The rapid growth of the communications sector requires people who are adequately trained in various aspects of communication. Indeed, the forces of globalization raise the imperative for adopting better ways of communicating efficiently and effectively.
Journalism and multimedia communication technology is critical in dealing with institutionalized forms of public message production and dissemination, operating on a large scale. It functions through the complex media of print journalism, radio, television, public relations, and the Internet.
To meet the challenges of the increasingly competitive media market, the programme has three areas of concentration, which should prepare the graduates for effective and focused participation in the marketplace. These are:
The need for effective communication is one of the vital ways of helping citizens to understand what underpins the global challenges humanity faces today. With the liberalisation of the media industry in Uganda and around the world and the consequent proliferation of media outlets, there’s certainly no shortage of information in today’s globalised world. This scenario calls for quality journalism and communication education for developing human capital to meet the needs of various media outlets.
Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Multimedia Communication Technology programme is the discipline of choice in helping the society get first hand well balanced stories of the very pertinent issues affecting their communities. It is important to note that emphasis will be put on equipping journalists and communication professionals with relevant knowledge and skills using up-to-date editing software and production equipment that can effectively give the students a first-hand touch to the things they will meet outside the university which include: Newspaper editing using required design and editing packages that include: Quarkexpress, Indesign, Pagemaker, Adobe photoshop, Television using a modern mini-studio with video cameras, computers for editing, microphones etc. Radio using a mini-studio with audio-editing equipment, audio recorders and microphones etc
The general objective of the Bachelor of Journalism and Multimedia Communication programme will be to provide students with a strong theoretical and practical foundation in the fields of Print Media, Broadcasting, Multi-Media (Internet-based operations), Public Relations and Advertising, and Photojournalism.
The minimum requirement for direct entry from the 8-4-4 system shall be C+ or its equivalent.
Requirements for the Diploma Holders’ Entry Scheme:
Requirements for Mature Age Entry Scheme