Fees Structure 2024/2025
See our latest updates fees structure for all programmes AfRU offers.
We understand that our applicants and new students have concerns about the ongoing Corona Virus outbreak. We are following the advice from the National Council for Higher Education, the Uganda Ministries of Health, Education and Sports, and that of Foreign Affairs ensuring that the welfare of our students and staff is our absolute priority. Since the Government shut down all universities and other educational institutions in a bid to control the spread of the Corona Virus on 20 March 2020, Africa Renewal University took the action to temporarily move our teaching and learning online for our Holiday and Masters Students. However, before this, as AfRU, part of our teaching has been partially online using Moodle, which builds a point for our continuing students to easily adopt the new normal of online classes.
Subsequent to the recent approval by the Ministry of Education and Sports for Universities to conduct Open, Distance and E-Learning (ODeL), the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) has approved Africa Renewal University (AfRU) to conduct ODeL. This was after an inspection visit by an NCHE team at the end of July that thoroughly assessed the university’s preparedness for online teaching and learning. In August 2020, NCHE granted AfRU permission to rollout emergency ODeL for all its accredited programs.
Africa Renewal University was one of the very first 13 Universities in the country officially permitted to conduct Online teaching and learning by the NCHE. Our university is therefore undertaking teaching and learning online using our first-in-market learning platform with its superior learning content.
This is a very unsettling time for all applicants but please be assured that we will do all we can to ensure these changes will not affect your opportunity to attend our University.
See our latest updates fees structure for all programmes AfRU offers.
See our latest updates fees structure for all programmes AfRU offers.
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